SharingCloud switches to a 4-day week

As of 2023, the SharingCloud teams will be working less to earn more! To earn more in terms of well-being, serenity, joy, energy and efficiency…
On Monday, April 3rd 2023, the 4-day week will come into effect.
How did we get to this point? How do we take action? What are we in the process of doing from January to April? We would like to share with you the highlights…
Prior information
While working four days a week, we will continue to ensure continuity of service over five days for technical support, for example. The same applies to all other activities for which we consider it essential to remain available, without impacting our customer and partner services, or those provided to our employees (e.g. order receipt, HR needs, work environment, etc.).
A brief history
From the day SharingCloud was founded almost 13 years ago, the founders committed themselves to creating a company that would work differently, and create innovative and quality solutions for its customers, with passion, respect for people and the environment. Nothing has changed. But everything has changed.
The working world is changing, with the emergence of alternative models and a new quest for a work-private life balance. SharingCloud, as a creator of Smart Office solutions, is of course at the centre of these transformations. But SharingCloud, as a company constantly seeking to improve the power and well-being of its team, has decided to take this forward-looking approach, which is part of a historical dynamic of social progress that is completely in line with our DNA.
Four-day week — why?
The idea behind the adoption of the 4-day week is to less drift, to concentrate on the most essential, to gain in sobriety and efficiency, in all respects…
First of all, a strong will to develop well-being and quality of life at work. Indeed, with this extra day off in the week, we can carry out activities that are fulfilling for ourselves: a charity involvement, moments shared with our loved ones or time just for ourselves, for inspiration and personal development, or for the little things of everyday life. In this way, during the 4 days we work, we are focused on our tasks.
Not to mention all the studies that prove the increase in productivity after the switch to the 4-day week !
Four-day week — how?
First of all, we believed it was essential to take time to reflect and prepare. Working one day less in our week cannot be improvised.
Therefore, as of January 2nd 2023, we are entering a test phase by continuing the five-day week for the first term.
Switching to a four-day week reduces our working hours and means reconsidering certain processes and questioning our work habits. To this end, we identified four key topics, which were addressed by a collaborative project steering committee involving members of each business unit:
• Optimising working hours (tasks): how to improve our individual and collective practices in terms of meetings.
• Team scheduling and overall organisation: who goes off when?
• Human Resources: how to comply with the employment contract? How to manage holidays? …
• Communication: what communication to adopt during this period, both internally and externally? …
We also imagine that this list may be expanded as new topics appear during this test phase.
The second quarter of 2023 will see the effective introduction of the non-working day.
In the third and fourth quarters of 2023, all SharingCloud teams will still be testing the 4-day week.
We will continue to produce and regularly analyse metrics to ensure the smooth running of the project and the quality of service, especially those directly related to the customer service (our business partners, the end customers, the users). We will make the necessary adjustments.