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About us

European Smart Office expert since 2010, SharingCloud helps companies adapt to new ways of working.



SharingCloud is a European expert and creator of Smart Office solutions that support new ways of working…

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Our Instant Suite® software platform digitises your spaces in order to optimise your smart buildings, as well as hybrid work for all your employees.

Development of smart city technology, smart office login, shared office spaces, hot desking, intelligent management of office meeting rooms, simplification of the employee and guest journey, implementation and effective monitoring of remote working with smart office sign in, communication, reduction of the ecological footprint of your buildings, reduction of your property costs…

Customisable and secure, our Smart Office solutions adjust to the needs of all types of companies and allow you to better manage the optimal functioning of your Smart Office policy.

SharingCloud it’s…

260 customers in 48 countries

90 international customers

16.5 million m² of developed space

1,000,000 users worldwide

40+ business partners

24+ technology partners

SharingCloud is integrated into the UGAP publishers catalogue via SCC, holder of the multi-publisher market.

The aim of this market is to offer public customers complete IT software at the best prices for all of their infrastructures.

All public organisations (state, state operators, hospitals, communities) can now acquire and integrate SharingCloud solutions without lengthy tendering procedures. This selection will promote new ways of working in many administrations, facilitating the optimisation of their shared office spaces, and the reduction of both their property and ecological footprint.

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SharingCloud ® 2010 - 2025