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Innovative synergy: SharingCloud and SpinalCom partner to bring about a revolution in workspaces

Mastering a building requires mastery of its users’ habits, as well as smart monitoring tools for managers. Based on this principle, SharingCloud and SpinalCom have formed a strong partnership to create an unprecedented synergy in the field of shared space management and intelligent connectivity. 


Synergy of complementary strengths 


The partnership between SharingCloud, a pioneer in Smart Office solutions, and SpinalCom, a pioneer in Building Operating Systems, intelligently exploits the unique strengths and areas of expertise of each company. This ambitious collaboration aims to provide an integrated solution, optimizing both the working environment and the building management. This results in a fluid, efficient and intelligent user experience for occupants and building managers. 

A whole new work experience 


As the expert in Smart Office, SharingCloud offers solutions to improve the employee experience and the quality of life at work: 

  • Mobile applications and service hubs to carry out everyday Smart Office actions (planning your presence in the office according to your colleagues, managing or confirming the booking of rooms, desks, connected lockers, etc.) 
  • Interactive digital signage to help employees find their way around the office or communicate internally 
  • Solutions to smooth and optimize guest reception in buildings, etc. 

SharingCloud makes work environments as agile and personalized as possible. 

05 Sep 2023 5



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