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SharingCloud introduces the 4Kast Player

How about simply increasing your collaboration space without changing the layout of your office? Transforming all your corporate communication screens into ad hoc collaboration tools? Improving the attractiveness of your spaces and encouraging your employees to return to the office? Or reducing the power consumption of your screens and giving a second life to your existing devices?

To meet your various challenges and after several months of development, the SharingCloud teams are pleased to officially present their latest innovation: the 4Kast Player!
Designed in collaboration with our partner Pulse Origin, the 4Kast Player is the solution that modernises all your displays and collaboration spaces with Hybrid Signage.


Transform your collaboration spaces with Hybrid Signage

Would your employees like flexibility and the ability to organise a meeting at the last minute, but often no room is available?

With the 4Kast Player, Facility Managers and Work Environment Directors can now turn any corporate communication screen into a collaboration tool, whenever and wherever they want!

SharingCloud gives your employees the ability to take control of 4Kast Player-equipped screens to seamlessly project, present and exchange content using universal wireless projection.

At the end of a meeting in this ephemeral collaboration space, when no content is projected by the user, the screen automatically reverts to a dynamic display screen. It will then resume playing the scheduled content in your Instant Signage media library.

The SharingCloud experience does not end here! The 4Kast Player also allows you to control your meetings in an agile way!

The Device combined with the 4Kast Player experience, designed by Pulse Origin

Improve the use of your meeting spaces with the InRoom Experience

In addition to the Hybrid Signage experience, the 4Kast Player can also be used on your meeting room screens. It then allows each employee to optimise their collaboration experience in bookable spaces.

Thanks to the InRoom Experience, the information that was once available on the GroomPad and RoomPad® (outside the room) is now available inside the room. All relevant information: agenda, objectives, remaining booking time, and even the schedule of upcoming meetings are available on the screen at any time.

Your employees can also interact with their booking from the screen via a QR Code to, for example, release the room, extend the booking, report an incident etc.

In case of inactivity, your meeting room screens become smart:  

  • The wake-up/sleep time can be configured. Your screens wake up a few minutes before a new meeting starts and go to sleep automatically.
  • Your digital signage content becomes accessible inside your rooms. No more black screens: all your screens can be used for your corporate communication!


The 4Kast Player: simple and intuitive to use

Sharing content on a screen equipped with the 4Kast Player is a breeze!

Simply connect your smartphone via Smart View (for Android) or AirPlay (for Apple). From your computer, simply pressing “Windows + K” will do the trick.

Say goodbye to cables, USB dongles and cumbersome software installation! Choose the universal wireless connection! Easy to use: once your connection request is made, the digital signage disappears and is replaced by a pin code which is displayed on the screen during use.

Simply enter the code on your phone/computer…

And you are now connected to the screen! Let’s 4Kast!


In summary

Bring your collaboration spaces into the era of the Smart Office and the Hybrid Workspace. The 4Kast Player and its associated experiences offer you:

  • Relevant information contextualised to your meetings (ongoing or upcoming);
  • Compatibility with all devices;
  • Easy and intuitive to use;
  • Universal wireless projection;
  • A digital signage solution, available outside and inside your meeting rooms.

The 4Kast Player is the high-performance wireless solution for any device. Thanks to the In Room Experience and Hybrid Signage, all screens in your buildings are modernised and (re)used.

The 4Kast Player is a unique device that will also reduce your investment in additional surface area. Choose ephemeral collaboration spaces around screens equipped with 4Kast Player! Choose the 4Kast Player experience by SharingCloud!

30 Aug 2022 5



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